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How does lymphatic drainage work?The treatment of MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) is a technique using feather-light strokes, traditionally. We adopt a slightly more deliberate technique that is very mild. This treatment encourages and quickens the pace of the natural pumping of the system, where the lymphatic waste leaves the body through urine. We can even apply the technique to surrounding areas to encourage natural drainage. There are many misconceptions about this treatment it surprises our clients how effective our methods are with such minimal touch.
I also had J Plasma / Rejuvion. Do you have experience with this?Yes, a lot of our previous clients also had this procedure and am familiar with how to adjust techniques to accomodate necessary changes to our methods.
I need you to drain me through an incision like they did for me in Miami / Mexico. Can you do this?It is NOT in the scope of practice for any MT to work with bodily fluids. Even though this is a rampant and popularized practice in places such as Miami, Florida, Parts of Texas, San Diego, and Mexico, we do not offer practices outside of these parameters of the law, education, and personal ethics.
The Massage Therapist I saw before you was gentle but I felt no different. How does your massage work?Sometimes clients come to us after seeing a regular massage therapist who utilized what techniques that they felt comfortable with, without truly understanding the complexities and subtle needs of the lymphatic system. If a therapist performed MLD properly, the client should feel lighter, the urge to use the restroom within 20 minutes, and feel overall better. If you had an MLD session but did not drain, then the culprit is often lack of compression and inflammatory diet.
My skin and other parts of me reel really hard and stiff. Help!The hardness is an indicator of SWELLING. You can book a lymphatic drainage massage, drink pineapple or arnica tea, and COMPRESS with your proper after care garments. For more tips and tricks, we can help you with resources.
Are you going to sculpt me and snatch my waist?In the first 6 weeks or so after surgery our primary focus is helping to manage the swelling and the discomfort with it. When the swelling is significantly less of a concern, we utilize vacuum therapy to help with the reduction of the tightness, discomfort, and appearance of scar tissue that is internal and external. This by default may show some minor changes to one’s shape, but it is not intended to reshape someone’s body nor to perfect your surgeon’s results. We are here to assist in promoting proper healing. Your shape is determined by what your surgeon did in the operating room, and not affected in the slightest by whether or not you received Lymphatic Drainage or "Bodysculpting" or other Tools and Toys were involved.
I think I have Fibrosis. Will it go away?We are not doctors and cannot diagnose conditions. Scar tissue goes through various stages of healing and sometimes absorbs fluid, aka inflamed scar tissue, which is also another term for fibrosis. However, the extreme fibrosis that we consider the “boogey man” of the post op industry is caused by very aggressive liposuction. We have seen true fibrosis VERY rarely. Lumps and bumps and other irregularities that show up after liposuction and tummy tucks for instance are quite common and normal and not to be worried about. Full healing usually takes about a full year in all regards. However, we can help address some of the irregularities about 6 weeks out of surgery and with vacuum therapy we’ve had positive results with many clients in the past.
Can you help me remove my drains and stitches?It is outside the scope of practice for massage therapists in the state of California to remove drains and stitches. We are not allowed to work with body fluids, as a wound care nurse or a doctor would be better suited to help you. There are tutorials online if you wish to have a loved one help you with the removal of stitches or drainage tubes, etc, But always consult your Surgeon with these matters.
I am unsure if my compression garments / foams / boards are fitting me correctly. Can you help me with fajas and the accessories?Yes, we can absolutely help you strategize your compression protocol. We have a lot of experience with fajas, foams, boards, etc and would be happy to help. You can even book a consultation as a treatment add on when you book your appointment.
Why am I swelling so much? Will it ever stop?!The swelling happens for several reasons: 1) Trauma to the body produces an inflammatory response 2) Due to the trauma, the outer lymphatics are damaged and need 9-10 days to regenerate, until then the body is cannot maintain its pre-surgery fluid pressure. 3) In the case of liposuction, one may discover the skin will be looser, especially since fatty tissue was removed, so there is extra space. When not compressed, the swelling will seem extreme because the fluid production will continue until pressure creates the boundary. Lymphatic drainage, compression, and proper diet, hydration, and rest tends to help.
My Surgeon / Previous Post Op Therapist said I needed ultrasounds / Cavitation / Radio Frequency / Colombian Wood Therapy right after surgery. Can you do this for me?It is NEVER a good idea to begin treatments with energy machines until 3 months after lipo or plastic surgery, as they can cause damage such as ‘fibrosis’ and other issues. We only provide hands only treatments or gentle vacuum/cupping therapy for scar tissue management for the first 2-3 months of post op care. If the client is a good candidate for body sculpting treatments, then after 3 months that is a viable option and we are happy to provide those types of services.
When is it too soon or too late to receive my lymphatic massages? When should they be avoided?It is best to wait until the 3rd day after surgery to begin, but it is never too late to start. We have experience with multiple clients who waited anywhere between 3-5 years after their surgery to begin with treatments, and were able to have notable and positive results, regardless of the wait to begin.
My Surgeon did not give me any post surgery directions and I wasn't given a faja. What do I do?Various regions of California and other states have a common theme of either providing a lot of detailed post surgical support and others very little. We can help. We have some resources on this site to get you started, and more detailed support in house or over zoom. If you require more support and detailed assistance, feel free to book a consultation with us or join one of our monthly workshops. CLICK HERE.
How many post op massages do I need?This depends on your personal needs. However, we see clients no more than 2 times a week for a time, and we wean you off as soon as it is appropriate. No one should ever bully you into buying packages or specific amounts of sessions. We take you as you are and work with you with your situation. To book a session or a consult click HERE
I think I have a Seroma! What do I do?A Seroma is a pocket of encapsulated fluid. An MT cannot legally work with any form of body fluid, that is against our scope of practice. What you can do are several things: 1) Use warm (not hot) compresses several times a day in hopes that it will loosen the tension on the surrounding tissues and gets reabsorbed into the body. 2) Contact your surgeon, if they are local, to have them care for you. 3) If that is not an option, contact your Primar Care Doctor (most won't even address this since they did not provide the surgery, unless you're infected or bleeding, but Kaiser has been known to help my past clients). 3) Your PCD or Nurse Practitioner 4) Contact a local plastic surgeon. This may cost out of pocket, around $1,000 give or take.
Contact + Location
2775 Cottage Way Ste 22
Sacramento, CA 95825
Opening Hours
9am - 2:30 pm
Tues + Wed
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:30 pm
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Seasonal hours, evening appointments, and early morning appointments are variable and by special request only
Weekends are researved for lectures, classes, special training, and interviews.
By Appointment ONLY | No Walk In's | 24 Hour Rescheduling Policy | No Minors
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